Talk to us
Talk to Us 2023
Inspired by Samaritans annual awareness-raising campaign, Talk to Us on 24th July (24/7) we wanted to support their campaign and remind everyone that Samaritans volunteers are available 24/7 for anyone struggling to cope.
At NEXT we are proud to have a whole range of internal and external support in place to help you through the different challenges that life presents.
Whether that's family, relationships, health, bereavement or work, you can Talk to us about what you need help with and we can direct you to support.
Anything Wellbeing we've got it covered and if we haven't let us know!
As we seek more ways to offer support through life's ups and downs our site has grown. We've made it really easy to find the support that you need.
Simply click on the pictures below and we'll take you there!
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year
If you ever need or just want to talk to someone, Samaritans are available 24/7.
For whatever you're going through you can call Samaritans any time, from any phone for FREE!
For confidential support call 116 123.
If you don't need an immediate response and would prefer, you can write to FREEPOST Samaritans or email