WorkBabyLife are back!

Next has teamed up with WorkBabyLife for another year to offer a free programme of virtual group classes and workshops to expectant Mums.

The programme will support your wellbeing, give you the opportunity to meet others and help you to plan and prepare for your maternity leave.

This is only available to people based at Head Office. 

If you have any questions or to book your place, contact or call 07552201381 and quote NEXT MUMS.

These workshops are facilitated by Emily Ellis, part of external company WorkBabyLife. Emily has extensive experience of running pregnancy, postnatal and baby classes as well as maternity coaching.

Pregnancy Support 

This programme is to support you on your pregnancy journey as you prepare for maternity leave. It is suitable from 14 weeks pregnancy onwards. 

This course includes 5 weeks of pregnancy yoga to support your wellbeing and help you prepare for babies' birth. It also includes a group preparing for maternity leave workshop and a private coaching session to enable you to have a safe space to discuss any worries about your upcoming leave. The course is also an opportunity to connect with other expecting parents. 

1 group workshop

Gain advice on how to plan for your leave and future return. Learn top tips to help you achieve a sustainable work/life balance. 

1-2-1 coaching

An opportunity to follow up on the discussion had in the group session and focus on you as an individual. 

6 weeks of pregnancy yoga

Using a combination of yoga-inspired postures, relaxation and mindfulness techniques along with massage nd equipment, such as yoga balls, pregnancy yoga classes are designed to foster your connection with your baby as well as strengthening the body, relaxing the mind for birth and alleviating some of the discomforts of pregnancy. 

These programme of free sessions is available for all Head Office employees who are pregnant and due to go on maternity leave. 

Post Natal Support

This programme is for mums on maternity leave to support their wellbeing and plan their return to work. It is suitable from 12 weeks postpartum onwards.

This course includes 5 weeks of postnatal yoga giving you some time for you to relax and help heal your postnatal body. There is a group workshop which is a safe space to plan your return to work and get tips for managing work life balance. It also includes a private coaching session to discuss any worries enabling you to manage the transition back with confidence. 

2 group workshops

(1.5 hour sessions) Learn  top tips to help you achieve a sustainable work/life balance, manage the transition of returning to work and strengthen your confidence.

1 private 1-2-1 coaching session

An opportunity to follow up on the discussions had in the group session and focus on you as an individual. 

6 weeks of post natal yoga

(60 minute sessions) The gentle and restorative classes will focus on strengthening, healing and relaxing your body and mind after birth. Combining postnatal yoga inspired exercises with relaxation, mindfulness and de-stressing techniques, the classes will leave you revived and restored. You are welcome to come with or without your baby.

The yoga classes are suitable for any Mum, minimum 6 weeks postnatal (or 12 weeks if you had a c-section) right up to your return to work.