This International Yoga Day join in our celebrations and try to book yourself onto a Yoga class to experience some of the benefits of yoga.  If you can't make an in person class we've included some short classes (less than 12 minutes) that you can try in the comfort of your own home.  This years theme is Humanity. 

Yoga is a practice from which everyone can benefit regardless of their age, size or flexibility and is believed to be beneficial for our overall health. 

The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to unite.  The practice of yoga aims to create union between the body, mind and spirit.  That is why great emphasis is placed on the breath during classes even though they are usually focused on the physical practice of asanas (postures).  Asana practice combines a series of postures that work on building strength and stamina and helps to improve flexibility, coordination and balance.  Classes often combine breathing exercises and meditation too.


 Yoga improves flexibility

Yoga helps with stress relief

Yoga improves mental health

Yoga may reduce inflammation

Yoga will likely increase your strength

Yoga may reduce anxiety

Yoga may improve quality of life

Yoga may boost immunity

Yoga can improve balance

Yoga may improve cardiovascular functioning

Yoga may improve sleep

Yoga may improve self-esteem

Yoga may improve bone health

Yoga can promote better posture and body awareness

Yoga can improve brain functioning

Yoga can help with burnout

It takes less than 12 minutes to experience some of the benefits ...🙏🏾

8 Minute Ki Breathing to reduce stress

with Jennifer Cassetta

10 minute Tension Relief Yoga 

with Danielle Stead Blanton

11 Minute Stress Relief Chair Yoga

with Corene Summers


Click play for a great introduction into the different styles of Yoga with Alexa who discusses her yoga journey as well as giving a little more explanation about the different styles of yoga.  Just like Alexa try the type you feel most drawn too.  If it doesn't work for you try another.  There will be a yoga style and teacher that will be the right fit for you.

Below are some examples of different styles of yoga you can try.  And if you're still in doubt that yoga would be beneficial check out Matt's experience of trying Yoga daily for 30 days.

Restorative Yoga with Alexia K

Yin Yoga with Kassandra

Hatha Yoga with Adrienne

Vinyasa Yoga Flow with Charlie Fellows

Ashtanga Yoga with David and Jelena 

Matt decided to take on the challenge of practicing yoga for thirty days consecutively.  He had his doubts and also experienced  a few surprises on his yoga journey.

Would Matt continue to practice yoga after his 30 day experiment?  Click play to find out. 

The Sports & Social is a big part of bringing people together and connecting at NEXT.  We have sports and social divisions for the South and North, so wherever you're based you can find the right option for you.  Sports and Social often have opportunities to experience in person yoga sessions.  Click the pic to see if there are any classes near you.