My story  

Leonie Rennie


Leonie Rennie: Senior Assistant Visual Merchandiser Manager•Products•Next Retail 

My grandmother gave blood for years and became a life long donor.  I'd thought about doing it for years and then one day thought, 'I'm going to help other people'.  It wasn't until I gave blood that I knew my blood type.  A- which is quite a rare one with only 6% of the population having it,  so I'm classed as a priority case when I donate.

It doesn't hurt and takes no longer than 10 minutes - but it goes a long way to help more than one person from a pint.  The journey of donated blood is interesting and is split into different categories and helps multiple people.  One of the things I look forward to is the text you get in the following weeks telling you where your blood ended up.  Last time I ended up in an Oxford hospital.  I've been all over the UK, including Jersey!

If you're thinking about it - book an appointment and join the club.  Blood levels are low so let's help each other.

Leonie Birtle     14 donations, bronze badge holder

Go on, do something amazing and give it a go.  It doesn't take long and you could very well be a life saver!