Aviva Wellbeing App - Where there's a wellbeing there's a way

Live your best life by accessing the easy to use app, and enjoy a broad range of services, activities and support materials.  Download from the App Store or Google Play using the Next access code NXTWEL 

Check out a number of the wellbeing areas covered by the app and start making small simple changes to your day to day life.  The App syncs seamlessly with the most popular apps and wearables, so you can view your wellbeing data all in one place. 

Manage Money

 Lose Weight

Live Healthily 

Reduce Stress

Get Fit

Sleep Better 

Learn about other features?

✔️Track Daily Movement  ✔️Personalised Action Plans  ✔️Join Challenges ✔️Set Goals  ✔️Read Expert Articles 

Check out our Q&A's

Can my family access the Aviva wellbeing app too?

The app is linked to Next so only accessible to Next colleagues in the UK

How do I change my password?

Access settings, Account details then select change password.  It needs to be at least 8 characters and contain a mix of letters and numbers

How do I edit personal details?

Access settings, select 'edit profile' and you can amend your personal detail

Why can I only choose one motivation at a time?

Aviva wellbeing is designed to keep you focused on a single area of improvement.  If unsure what to improve choose 'Live Healthy' option

Why do I recieve notifications?

You'll recieve notifications if the system needs to alert you to something e.g you need to reconnect to a tracker account or if there is new content we think you might like. 

What are challenges?

Challenges are competitions to challenge yourself and your friends and colleagues across of variety of activities.  You can join any challenge that's available

What are action plans?

Action plans are plans to help you improve your wellbeing.  There are a number of motivational plans each focusing on a different area

What are reward points?

These are allocated to your account for your accomplishements and healthy actions e.g checking off a goal or setting a goal in your progress area

What is a tracker? 

A tracker is an app, devive or wearable that enables you to track fitness availabilities adn measure your overalll health and wellbeing.  You can connect most popular apps, devices and wearables to Aviva Wellbeing 

Why can't I keep my access after I leave the company?

Aviva wellbeing is an employee benefit, offered by my employer.  If you employment your benefit will be removed.

What information do Aviva collect and how is it collected?

For Aviva’s full privacy policy visit www.avivahealthandwellbeing.co.uk/help/privacy-policy

What are the Aviva terms and conditions?

For the full terms and conditions visit https://avivawellbeing.aviva.com/help/271

What if I need any help using the Aviva wellbeing?

If you have any questions or trouble using the service, please contact the Aviva wellbeing team by emailing avivawellbeinghelp@aviva.com