See our tips for combating anxiety. THANKS to those colleagues who shared their tips across the 7 categories
'What helps me cope with anxiety is by finding new places to explore with my miniature dachshund, Frankie. Whether that be local, the seaside of the Peak District. Taking myself off to a pretty place allows my mind to be free of anything that makes me feel anxious. Being in nature makes me forget all the worries on my mind and seeing my dog enjoy himself makes me feel good and my mind feel clear. Seeing Frankie happy, makes me happy.'
'At least once a day, I take a moment and am just still. I look and listen to everything around me. It can be somewhere tranquil or in th emiddle of a bustling city. Just a moment to observe nature, the sky, the season and those that inhabit that space.'
At the end of each day, think of 3-5 things that you are grateful for or made you feel good. Even if they are small, recognizing and focusing on the positives resets your thinking and helps you go to bed happy!'

'To connect with a good feeling and to over-ride any anxiety I think of a tune that brings back memories and reminds me of happy times. I remember when I felt good and can remember the sun on my face and sand inbetween my toes. Or I listen to music that evokes a feeling of joy that makes me want to dance. And I do just that, turn the music up loud and dance.'
'I learnt to crochet. This has got me through 2 extremely difficult times in my life. The repetition of the counting and pattern following helps me to stay grounded. Also the production of making something and the giving away of the final item brings happiness.'
'I like to book my bathroom for some me time. I , light some candles and play my favourite calming music which helps to create a nice relaxing atmosphere. Then I indulge in a soak, maybe a face mask and then I finish off by , moisturizing my body and then I go to bed and fall into blissful sleep'
'I have a handkerchief that I keep in my pocket with my favourite scent on so if I do get stressed I can have a quick smell on the scent to calm me down - my favourite is the refill linen scent'
'Whilst being a carer for my Nan I had the privilege to meet most residents at her complex, I realised how lucky my Nan was to have so many regular visitors... and how happy it made her. I wanted others to have the same happiness to.
I have 6 elderly pen friend from all over the UK and speak to 5 companions weekly through the telephone friendship service. I don't like to think of people being lonely or isolated, a 30 minute phone call can make such a huge difference to someone's wellbeing and happiness... the calls are full of lots of laughter and I get to hear some incredible stories too!
More tips ...
'A long walk through my village, saying hello/morning to strangers.'
'Before going to bed, I write down three things I'm grateful for'
'Share your thoughts with a trusted person'
'I sit near the sea, listen to the waves and enjoy the wind'
'Plan, plan, plan - book a trip to go out with friends ... always have something to look forward to'
'I write down my anxious thoughts and ways I can combat them'
'I took up running...and over time...my mental health stabilised. Through the changes over the years my running has been the one consistent thing helping me through it all'