Sadly pregnancy loss is much more common than you may think. At NEXT we'll unfortunately have many colleagues who are or have been affected at any one time.  The common fall outs range from psychological trauma and PTSD, depression, Post Abortion Syndrome, hormonal balance and fertility issues.The emotional impact of pregnancy loss can be long lasting and can often lead to relationship breakdowns and sick leave from work.

Access pregnancy loss support

NEXT has partnered with We Seek Care creators of 8 week After Care plans for recovery from all forms of baby loss including miscarriage and abortion. Seek provides the first whole person support programme to transform the experience of pregnancy loss aftercare, empowering people to thrive, not just survive.  Speak to your Manager/HR for details on how to access the 'after care' plans.

If you or your partner experience a pregnancy loss, we encourage you to reach out to your Manager and HR specialist.  They will be there to listen, without judgement and guide you through the support available.

Women need 7 days minimum to recover from the physical symptoms alone of pregnancy loss - bleeding, abdominal pain and or blood clots.

A survey showed that 72% of women were not emotionally ready to return to work after their pregnancy loss. 

Miscarriage is defined as the loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks. Most failed IVF rounds result in early miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur at the start of pregnancy. In the UK and US there are 1.3 million miscarriages combined. 

Due to the silence that surrounds the topic, the fallouts and impacts at work can are widely misunderstood. Pregnancy loss can be a devastating experience whether it happens to you, your partner or the surrogate having your baby.  

"We aim to normalise all forms of pregnancy loss experiences. Shifting the stigma. Opening up the conversation to allow for essential aftercare"

Alannah Ross, Founder weseekcare

Join Alannah founder of Seek and one of her pregnancy loss specialists from the team who will be hosting the webinar and guiding through the topic

'Breaking the stigma around pregnancy loss'

This webinar has now taken place.  Watch it back here

Olivia's Story

Baby loss both stillbirth and neonatal death can be devastating to all those involved.  From the parents, siblings, grandparents and friends, the impact can be devastating.  To observe those we care for suffer such agony can be unbearable.  It can be difficult to know how to respond or react as you may fear upsetting them further.  It is important to acknowledge their loss.

Jenny, one of your colleagues has shared her experience of baby loss with Tommy'sTo read about Jenny's daughter Olivia Click here 

Men and Miscarriage

Miscarriage can be a very distressing experience for a couple.  Your partner has the physical trauma to deal with, but you have also suffered a loss that you may find painful.

We hope that the following information will help you to understand and cope with your own feelings about your miscarriage as well as your partner's.

Click here for further information, help and support

Baby Loss

Sadly, some babies are lost during pregnancy, birth, or shortly afterwards. Tommy’s provide information and support for anyone who has experienced the loss of a baby.

Supporting Friends

Ever wondered how you can support friends who are going through loss?

You may feel that you are ill equipped to help and feel unsure of the right words to use.  The last thing you want to do is to make them feel worse.  It's really important to follow their lead but to ignore what they are going through is insensitive.  

Click here for some suggestions about how you can offer your friends some support.

For all things Pregnancy related click here.