Good Care November

Warming Nutritious Foods

As the clocks turn back and the nights draw in ever sooner the desire for comforting foods increases.  This November why not invest some time in making some warming nourishing soups to help provide you with the nutrients to help you stay healthy this winter. Good Food shares their top 10 delicious soups for you to try.  Ranging from traditional potato and leek to beautiful silky pumpkin they have something to suit most tastes. You may even feel inspired to try something new safely in the knowledge that you are doing your best to take good care of yourself.

Balance is the key

We need a balance of different foods and nutrients to maintain good health and wellbeing.  We think preparation is the key!  With our busy lifestyles it's easy to fall into the trap of eating on the go, buying the odd snack here and there and even resorting to eating out or ordering Take Away's.  Many foods that were once seen as occasional treats have become staple parts of a British diet.  These foods are often calorie dense including an abundance of hidden sugars and salts.  Ultra processed foods appear convenient but often take as long to cook as a cooked from scratch meal.  A home cooked meal, with added herbs and spices can pack a flavourful punch, making you feel full with the knowledge that you have given the very best to your body and those of your loved ones.