You may be 50 or over, but you don't have to feel over the hill.  You need to give more attention to your health during this time in your life.  


MONTHLY Self breast exam

ANNUALLY Yearly physical that includes: Blood pressure check                                                                                                                                Blood Test                                                                                                                                                   Cholesterol Testing

Screening for Type II Diabetes

WHEN NECESSARY Skin Check - check for changes in moles

                                      Osteoporosis screening

                                      Blood sugar testing (Annually if overweight or high risk)                             

EVERY 10 YEARS       Colonoscopy (Every 5 years if high risk)                                                                                                EKG Test (if you have certain risk factors: high cholesterol, obesity,       family history etc)


Health Risks in your 50's  

Ovarian Cancer

Colon Cancer

Heart Disease


             20% of women in their Fifities already have Osteoporosis


FIND FUN WAYS TO KEEP FIT As your body is aging you may feel less able to exercise as vigorously as you used to.  Stay connected to low impact activities that keep your body moving, like tennis, golf or yoga.

KEEP OFF EXCESS POUNDS  Keeping the scale from creeping up can feel like a daily battle, but maintaining a healthy weight is vital to prevent a number of diseases.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP  Getting enough sleep can get tougher after 50.  Try to go to bed 15 minutes early or get up 15 minutes later until you are getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night.

LOVE YOUR CHANGING BODY  Your appearance may change during menopause.   Keep your full range of movement with exercise that encourages flexibility.