Getting the right checks at the right time in your life is key to staying on top of your health.  Our checks through the ages document steers you in the right direction to make sure you're getting the regular checks ups needed.  Simply check to see what decade you fall in and give yourself a check remembering that everything doesn't always fall into that category.  A read through the whole list will give you an awareness of what to look out for.  We've also included:

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It's important to take care of your health and that starts with understanding your health risks and recommended screenings at each stage of your life.

Below is a quick and easy guide divided into decades however, there are some that should be practiced regardless of your age.  These tips are recommended by doctors and from a variety of screening guidelines.  Follow these guidelines to achieve your best health.

KNOW YOUR HISTORY  Find out what health conditions run in both sides of your family. Sharing your personal and family history will help your doctor determine your risk level for any particular condition or disease.

GET A YEARLY ANNUAL HEALTH CHECK  No matter what your age, it's important to find a primary care physician you like and schedule an annual check up.  Yearly visits are the best way to detect any changes in your health before they develop into bigger issues.  Expect to have a blood pressure check, blood test, urine analysis and your weight recorded.

MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT  Keeping off excess weight can safeguard you from developing long term health issues like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis and sleep apnea.

QUIT SMOKING  If you are a smoker, quitting should be a top priority in your life.  If you quit smoking your risk of cancer and other diseases will decrease significantly.  Talk to your doctor about resources that can help you quit!

Simply click the pic of the decade that interests you

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